Allow customers to select prducts and place order using your existing website!
Increase customer satisfaction and reduce drag with supoort tickets. All you need is your mobile to provide customer service !
Engage with your clients nad keep them in the loop with exciting news and updates and keep them in the loop
Increase customer services with live chat support. All you need is your mobile to provide customer service !
Let your customer know where to reach you with google maps pinpointing all your offices!
Be the most popular one by showing all the positive reviews you receive from other customers!
Send form responses directly to your email or whatsapp!
Allow visitors to send autogenerated Whatapp inquiries based on the product/ page they are viewiing
Free Subdomain
Shared Hosting
1 Page Template
Free Domain (1st year)
Hosting not included
4 pages
Free Domain (1st year)
Hosting not included
Multiple pages
Storage: 50 MB
Bandwidth: 1 GB
Emails: 0
Storage: 500 MB
Bandwidth: 10 GB
Emails: Unlimited
Storage: 1 GB
Bandwidth: 20 GB
Emails: Unlimited
Storage: 2 GB
Bandwidth: 50 GB
Emails: Unlimited
Multi Units
POS & Inventory
Multiple Stores | Expenses
Receipts & Advance Payments
Remotely Accessbile
Activity Logs
Unlimited Items, Stores, Ledgers & More..